100 Prompts Challenge: December

At the conclusion of November, I am going to be doing the 100 Prompts Challenge to replace the time I used to do NaNoWriMo in order to fulfill my CAS requirements as well as get regular practice on my writing.

I will be linking to the prompts that I have completed as I go along. Currently, I have completed the first prompt, Crash.

My minimum goal is do 1 prompt a week. I also hope to practice writing and experiment with different styles through it.

I did the first prompt one in a panic about my NaNoWriMo, but I will be finishing or at least be continuing it through November. I have talked to several other people who are in my school’s NaNoWriMo support group at school and they have expressed interest in doing this challenge as well.

Best case scenario, if enough people decide to do it, we can print some form of anthology at the end. It’ll be an interesting experiment to see all the different story that are inspired by the same prompt. It’ll certainly be an interesting experiment for TOK, or something.

I think this one will be a lot less stressful than NaNoWriMo because there isn’t that constant struggle to meet the word count and more importantly, it’s long term. NaNoWriMo is great because it pushes you to get a lot of writing done, and despite that stress, I always enjoy it. However, I am looking for something long term because I don’t write unless it’s November. It’s a good habit to get into. … And I need the CAS hours.