Theory of Knowledge: How does the effect of being observed influence “reality television”?

The effect that I can see as a result of having cameras around you so often is that on these shows there are plenty of other people with a limited amount of air time. I believe this will result in people acting “above and beyond” in order to get more screen time and exposure. Also, some people just like the camera. Just like we’re conditioned to smile or make faces when cameras come out, would it not be the same when you are being filmed all the time. Wouldn’t you just feel naturally like you need to act more flamboyant and different than you normally would?

But most of these reality TV shows cast big personalities on purpose. It’s good for ratings if they are clashing. Being forced to be around people that you don’t necessarily like and can’t get away from while being watch all the time all seem like contributing factors to people snapping. Editing is also a big part of these shows though, it might not have been as bad as the editing made it seem.