Theory of Knowledge: If I were rich…

I would eat organic and buy fair trade.

It’s callous and selfish to say that I am going to continue supporting child labour and global warming, but it doesn’t make sense to my economic situation. It’s great if you have the money for you to buy more expensive food. For my family, it doesn’t matter how much we care about the environment or human rights, we’re just not able to spend more money on each item. It might be a couple of cents per item, but it adds up.

That isn’t apathy, we just like having food on our table and clothes on our backs.

My family can afford food and clothes and electricity and electronics. That doesn’t mean that we don’t have struggles. They’re just not as bad as say, in Nigeria, or in Northern India.

It never made sense to me that we have to pay more for companies to put less chemicals into our food.

and I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m a product of the consumer society. I like having my stuff, my gadgets, my cheap clothes and food.

So yes, when the day comes and I’m making my own financial decision and in a comfortable financial situation, I will opt to buy fair trade and local, but until that time, I won’ be feeling that guilty about buying cheap.

Maybe it isn’t ethical, maybe it’s immoral, but it makes economic sense.