Theory of Knowledge: Golden Mean

I didn’t know what it was called but I’ve always striving to live in the middle. In terms of emotions, at least. Although I think at times my attempts at neutrality may appear apathetic. I don’t like the feeling of being so invested in something emotionally that I am not in complete control. I don’t like doing things by accident; I only like to do things purposefully.

I often judge people harshly when they show any sign of being out of control because even when I feel like things are out of control I like to stay calm – this is, of course, the aim, not always the reality. To me, when you’re unhappy with something, you should not start screaming because you appear completely irrational. To me, when you hit, when you break things, you don’t seem passionate, you seem out of control. I feel like many people have not learned to choose their battles, arguing pointless things to death.

Fight for what you believe in; believe in what you fight for. But never in the extremes. It’s takes more control to stay calm and argue a point properly than it takes to give in and start yelling and screaming.