NaNoWriMo 2011: Day 5

I really like this story. I really like it.

I really liked last year’s story too, but it was out of my league. That’s why we’ve decided to see other people for a while.

This year’s story, according to a friend and a teacher, “doesn’t seem like something I would write”. I don’t know what that means. Maybe it’s because I described it as a superhero story. It’s not really a superhero story. It is a story about a superhero though. I don’t know, it was the easiest way to explain it.

Tagline: “A superhero’s loss of identity when he accidentally kills his arch nemesis.”

The biggest surprise for my so far is how reckless my protagonist, Benjamin, is. He keeps making these decision that make me want to hit him. He nearly killed his now best friend and killed – by accident – his arch nemesis because of his stupidity.

That’s Ronald, my giraffe, photobombing.

There’s my word count, with a peek at a small bit of the novel. I have exactly 5,500 words right now. I should be at around 8,000, but I’ve literally been sitting here all day stuck. I broke through about 3 hours ago, kind of.

I’m still not entirely sure where this is going.

That’s the weird thing. I know exactly where this is going, but I have no idea.

I did a lot of planning, but none of it really involved actual concrete events in the story. It all stuff that should happen… somehow.

Those are some notes on themes and symbols.

Some notes on the first time Linus and Ben met.

Excerpt of Ben’s stupidity. If you find things that don’t any sense…. that happens… a lot more than I’d like.

Benjamin looked up to see Linus crouching over the edge of the building. He let himself drop, the cool air wrap around him like a cloak.  He forced himself to slow down, coming to a complete stop halfway down the observatory.

He looped around the side of the building and landed lightly behind Linus.

“Boo,” he said casually.

Linus yelped in surprise, tipping forward. His arms flailed through the air as he lost balance.

“Oh fuck –” Ben was a second too late, his hand closed on air.

 Linus was gone in an ungraceful swan dive. Benjamin dove after him, feeling the exhilaration of controlled free falling for the second time. He forced himself to gain speed; he overtook Linus. He would win in this race to the ground.

He landed gently; his feet planting the width of his broad shoulders. Reaching out his arm a second before Linus hit the ground, absorbing the impact. 

Darn. I was planning on putting this post in my CAS reflections… why did I choose a excerpt with a swear word in it? D: That was the one I wanted to share though, so. I guess I’ll have to write a different reflection for CAS.

I found some quotes I really liked… I just want to write them down.

“On risque de pleurer si l’on s’est laisse apprivoiser.” – Le Petit Prince

“Le yeux sont aveugles; il faut chercher avec le coeur.” – Le Petit Prince

“C’est tellement mysterieux, le pays de larmes.” – Le Petit Prince (You can probably tell, I really like The Little Prince… :D)

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulder of giants.” – Isaac Newton

“Fairytales do not tell children dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Fairytales tell children that dragons can be killed.” G.K. Chesterton

“You do not lead by hitting people over the head. That’s assault, not leadership.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower  (I really like this one, I know people who can benefit from learning this.)

“The sad truth is that the truth is sad.” – Lemony Snicket

“Fairly examined, truly understood,
No man is wholly bad, or wholly good.” – Theognis of Megara, Fragment XLI

I’m currently immersed in The English Patient for English. That mother looks like a monster right now with all the sticky notes I put in it. My favourite line from the book right now because I thought it was strangely endearing: “The Englishman turned to her and said, ‘We’re getting along famously!'”

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